Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Research Critique in Midwifery - 3446 Words

A constructive critique of the research into women’s experiences of becoming a mother after prolonged labour. The Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008) state in their code of conduct state that nursing and midwifery care must be evidence or best practise based. Therefore it is essential that students are able to analyse and critique research papers in order to determine the validity of the study and to apply theories to practise. This essay intends to critique and analyse the research paper, in order to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the research undertaken. Certain questions are required to ensure that the evaluation is assessing the essential components of the research (Hollowayamp; Wheeler, 2002). Therefore Holloway and†¦show more content†¦The study identifies several studies that focus on variables, but none that fulfil the whole sample criteria. Finding a gap in previous research is justification for the study (Polit amp; Tatano Beck, 2006). The literature review states studies that cite that operative delivery is associated with bonding difficulties (Rowe- Murray amp ; Fisher, 2001), vaginally delivered women had more positive perceptions (Fawcett et al.,2007), women who had a high level of obstetric intervention were more likely to have trauma symptoms (Creedy et al., 2001), and birth experience affects postpartum development (Stadmayr et al., 2004). To summarise the cited literature, women that have a caesarean section or instrumental delivery are more likely to suffer from feelings of ill health and difficulty in parental transition. This is a limitation of the research. As these are proven factors, including them in the criteria for participant selection could discredit the study as they are already well known implications without the phenomena of prolonged labour. In addition to this, the same researchers had previously devised a case referent study investigating negative birth experiences following prolonged labour (Nysted et al., 2005). This is not disclosed or referred to within this study. A study should describe how it enhances existin g knowledge (Holloway amp; Wheeler, 2002). As the findings ofShow MoreRelatedEvaluation Of A Research Article From A Professional Journal Using A Critiquing Framework1480 Words   |  6 PagesThe purpose of this assignment is to critically review a research article extracted from a professional journal using a critiquing framework. The essay will attempt to analyse and evaluate the validity and rigour of the research study and will unitise the critiquing framework for quantitative research papers devised by (Steen and Roberts, 2011, p56-57), while also taking time to reflect upon the research study’s value and influence on practice. 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